Sunday, December 27, 2015

I'm not a thief!

Mom says I'm a thief because I was appropriating some yarn balls to play with. 

Hey! I even shared with Minnie. 

If she didn't want me to have them, she should not have been stacking them on the couch and leaving them. 
I figure it is my inheritance from Great Grandma, who gave all those wonderful toys, I mean yarn, to mom.

I have even convinced my friend Sherlock that he should appropriate some yarn to play with as well. Sounds like his campaign is going slowly, as his mom hid the toys, yarn, I mean yarn, from him as well. Next step in this is to figure out how to open cabinets and containers, as well as doors. 

It's hard work being a cat!


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Trees are for climbing

Aren't I right? Evidently when the tree is in the house, one gets in trouble when one climbs it.

I'm still on mom's naughty list, so I'm sneaking this post in while she is at some school mock trial for the biggest slave.
